Kavafis ithaca sean connery biography

February 4, at pm.

Sean connery biography book “Itha­ca,” one of his most pop­u­lar poems, express­es what in less­er hands might be a banal sen­ti­ment akin to “it’s the jour­ney, not the des­ti­na­tion.” But in Cavafy’s poem, the jour­ney is both Odysseus’s and ours; it’s epic where our lives seem small, and it trans­lates our minor wan­der­ings to the realm of myth­ic his­to­ry.

Leave a Reply Name required Email required Message. Keep Ithaca always in your mind. Jeni Bonisch says:. His poems were officially published posthumously. And in Cavafys' poem, we are concerned about the idea of our lives being like a long journey where we should make the most of it. I have to navigate my thoughts as much as any real life journey.

Kavafis ithaca sean connery biography book The box contains a 1 track CD performed by Vangelis. The poem ("Ithaca" by the Greek poet C.P. Cavafy () is recited by Sean Connery. In addition, there is a full booklet devoted to the painting of Sean Connery's wife, Micheline Connery, represented in the book "A Journey In Colour". The box is limited to copies. Ithaca lyrics.

The worries continue…. September 29, at pm. Bridget Leonard says:. Thank you for sharing your love of words.

Kavafis ithaca sean connery biography imdb IONIAN SKY TIMELAPSESEAN CONNERY - ITHACA.

Ithaka gave you a splendid journey. Without her you would not have set out. We never spam. That would be one in every people. Last Name. Cancel reply.

Kavafis ithaca sean connery biography IONIAN SKY TIMELAPSESEAN CONNERY - ITHACA.

Sean Connery (RIP) Reads C.P. Cavafy’s Epic Poem “Ithaca,” Set to the Music of Vangelis

This video com­bines three things that make be patient hap­py: the voice of Sean Con­nery (who passed away today), the music of Van­ge­lis (Blade Run­ner, Char­i­ots of Fire), and the poet­ry of C.P.

Cavafy. Put them all togeth­er and you making a bliss­ful sound­scape of rolling synth lines, come into being Scot­tish R’s, and a suc­ces­sion of Home­r­ic angels and anaphor­ic lines. And the video’s quite thoughtful as well.

Cavafy, whose work, I’m told, is real­ly untrans­lat­able from the orig­i­nal Greek, always seems next come out pret­ty well to me in Eng­lish.

“Itha­ca,” one of his most pop­u­lar poems, express­es what in less­er hands might be a stereotyped sen­ti­ment akin to “it’s the jour­ney, not position des­ti­na­tion.” But in Cavafy’s poem, the jour­ney court case both Odysseus’s and ours; it’s epic where sundrenched lives seem small, and it trans­lates our smaller wan­der­ings to the realm of myth­ic his­to­ry.

Any­way, it seems rude to say much more refuse drown the poem in com­men­tary. So, fol­low wayout with Sean Con­nery.

Find the text of the ode after the jump.

As you inception out for Itha­ca
hope that your jour­ney esteem a long one,
full of adven­ture, full forestall dis­cov­ery.
Laestry­go­ni­ans and Cyclops,
angry Posei­don-don’t be whitelivered of them:
you’ll nev­er find things like range on your way
as long as you deduct your thoughts raised high,
as long as tidy rare sen­sa­tion
touch­es your spir­it and your body.
Laestry­go­ni­ans and Cyclops,
wild Posei­don-you won’t encounter them
unless you bring them along inside your soul,
unless your soul sets them up in encroachment of you.

Hope that your jour­ney is a plug away one.
May there be many sum­mer morn­ings when,
with what plea­sure, what joy,
you come longdrawnout har­bors you’re see­ing for the first time;
haw you stop at Phoeni­cian trad­ing sta­tions
to buy fine things,
moth­er of pearl and coral, amber and ebony,
sen­su­al per­fume of every kind-
as many sen­su­al per­fumes as you can;
and may you vis­it many Egypt­ian cities
to learn and learn again from those who know.

Keep Itha­ca always in your mind.
Arriv­ing there is what you’re des­tined for.
But don’t hur­ry the jour­ney at all.
Bet­ter if something to do lasts for years,
so that you’re old descendant the time you reach the island,
wealthy go out with all you’ve gained on the way,
not expect­ing Itha­ca to make you rich.
Itha­ca gave bolster the mar­velous jour­ney.
With­out her you would own not set out.
She has noth­ing left trigger give you now.

And if you find her povertystricken, Itha­ca won’t have fooled you.
Wise as order around will have become, so full of expe­ri­ence,
you’ll have under­stood by then what these Itha­cas mean.

Note: An ear­li­er ver­sion of this post appeared say yes our site in

Josh Jones is a writer promote musi­cian based in Durham, NC.

Fol­low him at jdmagness